Success or failure of any education system depends upon the quality, commitment and enthusiasm of the teachers. Fortunately the school has its faculties of sufficiently qualified and experienced staff in their respective subjects. By their strenuous efforts adopting a method of teaching which is lively, informative, and attractive, the school scores 100% pass results in CBSE Examinations every year . The following is the staff list for 2014-15.
-Holy Quran
“Read! In the Name of your Lord Who created (all that exists)....He has taught(writing) by the pen”
-Tony Blair
“Ask me my three main priorities for Government, and I tell you Education, Education and Education”
-Eliza Cook
“Better build school rooms for the “Boy” Than cells and gibbets for the “Man””
-Lord Brougham
“Education makes a people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave ”